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NTPL (Mr. Arijit Basuray) Exclusive Interview on Electrical Sector

Mr. Arijit Basuray
Managing Director

The Self Reliant India Program has all the possibilities to reform the industry, if the Government encourages export and domestic market.

1. Please brief us about the 40 years of success story of NTPL?

Ans: From the initiation of NTPL in the year 1975 we remained passionate about indigenous development and innovative engineering. Whatever success we got  is due to our proactiveness in developing import substitute and customized equipment apart from our standard product range and due to this even being a lin start company we could imprint our name in Indian as well as international market as a reputed manufacturer of electrical test and measuring equipment and solution provider for many testing problems. 

2. What is the recent development in your product line?

Ans: Our recent development is in automated testing solution in the factory production line with a report generation system. 

3. What are the core USP of NTPL products?

Ans: Our main USP is in understanding the technical requirement of customers, Providing appropriate testing solution and the other aspect is the quality and ruggedness of our testing equipment.  In many industries and utilities, you may find our equipment running even more than 30 years.

4. How are the electrical industry picking up their market demand during this COVID time; and what are the challenges?
Ans: The market is gradually picking up but the main challenges are in arranging funds.

5. Well, do you think, the scenario of the electrical equipment export market will change under “Self Reliant India Program”.

Ans: We always vouch for indigenous development and strongly believe that if encouraged by  Govt. of India, the export market, as well as the internal market, will get an impetus under the ” Self Reliant India Program”.