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Budget reaction quote – Mr Shashi Kiran Shetty – Chairman – Allcargo Logistics Ltd.

Mr. Shashi Kiran Shetty – Chairman – Allcargo Logistics Ltd.

The proposed roll-out of the National Logistics Policy was one of the hallmarks of the budget. A single window e-logistics market will lead to the integrated development of Indian logistics and help reduce logistics cost. The NLP will also boost value chain efficiencies and generate employment across the supply chain spectrum. The Krishi Udan scheme is a key initiative by the government to help farmers boost their income by expanding markets for their products on national and international routes. The setting up of a Kisan Rail via the PPP mode will help build a robust cold supply chain infrastructure, increase the shelf-life of perishable goods and reduce food loss in the global cold chain. The government will need to continue with its policy of fiscal consolidation, spur job creation and revitalize the credit cycle to propel the economy on the recovery path.