Mr. Sanket Managave | Managing Director | SAARC

With a highly skilled workforce, the ABLOY team has been largely successful in integrating quality, sustainability, and innovation to set a new precedent in security, for the critical infrastructure business in India. Abloy is the most trusted brand for security and locking solutions in Critical Infrastructure for various sectors. Mr. Sanket Managave is sharing his views with Industrial Outlook on various aspects of security and locking solutions in Critical Infrastructure.
Q. Tell us about “Abloy” contribution in the field of critical infrastructure development?
Since its inception in 1907, Abloy has been on the journey of securing life, property and business for over 115 years worldwide. The global company with virtue to create a safe and secured environment for the world, started ABLOY India, the Indian arm of the brand to cater to the market in 2008. With a highly skilled workforce, the ABLOY team, has been largely successful in integrating quality, sustainability and innovation to set a new precedent in security, for the critical infrastructure business. ABLOY has always been the most trusted brand for security and locking solutions in Critical Infrastructure businesses including electric power, transportation, petroleum, mining, telecom, aviation, banking, railways, commercial centres, healthcare. ABLOY believes in adding trust in the society by creating more secure & safe future. Increasing Critical Infrastructure development in any nation, also demands for a safe and ease of operations for better deliverables and maintenance, ABLOY protects, secures and enables monitoring from remote locations. Our solutions secure public, private and restricted areas with flexible, scalable and simplified access management solutions. Abloy’s solution features advanced cloud-based access management system providing digital solutions that combine the keyless, electromechanical and mechanical worlds. It provides high level security, safety and situational awareness for critical infrastructure, industries, companies, institutions, and operations. Cost and risk reduction are part of our daily goal for creating more trust, safety and security across every spectrum of Critical Infrastructure business.

Q. Do you think; the 5G technology will be a game changer in the telecom sector? And how is it going to change the lifestyle of consumers?
Mobile data revolution has brought significant change in human life, for over a decade. 5G technology is reshaping global professional & personal lives. It is expected to enhance experiences and drive industry digitalization. As everything has its pros and cons, same is with the new age 5G technology. World will experience not only much improved network but also it will facilitate uninterrupted real time communications at different levels. 5G will accelerate businesses and improve efficiency globally for all industries. Expansion in bandwidth can lead to more complex and distributed infrastructure thus resulting into increased infrastructure maintenance.
Q. Technologies always bring threats along; How “Abloy” ensure their security?
The digital revolution around the world is driving technology advancements in every business, especially in Critical Infrastructure. This evolving technology ensures better, easier and faster operations but at the same time it is vulnerable and hence needs utmost security. ABLOY solutions include keyless, electromechanical and mechanical solutions for high end 46 JANUARY 22 security and remote access management for the Critical infrastructure businesses. All our locks are based on the patented rotating disc cylinder mechanism which takes care of the mechanical security, while electronic CLIQ™ technology allows flexible control of keys, access rights and audit trails. PROTEC2 CLIQ solution combines both technologies into one effective solution. Certificates are used to authenticate elements of the system. Data between lock and cylinder is secured with AES-128 and CLIQ Web Manager database is secured with AES-256. Software upgrades, backups of databases and importing extensions to locking system are all provided by Abloy. Our keyless solution, BEAT is a new benchmark in locking system. It includes a Super Weather-Proof Bluetooth padlock that is operated with a digital, mobile key and managed with CIPE Manager which can be integrated into existing workflow or 3rd party system, keeping the user in sync with security situation. ABLOY symbolises security and we ensure it in every aspect of our business.
Q. Railways are continuously improving their technology for passenger comfort and security; What is the possible security system needed to implement in coming luxury projects like bullet trains?
The railway industry is one of society’s essential critical infrastructures that is counted on to perform 24/7 without interruptions. There are multiple locations to secure from trackside and signalling equipment to the gates and access points of maintenance yards. Same concerns rolling stock: each carriage and locomotive needs to have controlled access. Thus, railway sector demands for high security digital access management solution, which can deliver protection and security to people and assets in a much simplified way. A solution which simplifies operations and increases operational efficiency. A solution that would be user friendly, scalable and integrable with other existing digital systems, would be an appropriate choice for the new-age railway operations. In railways, it goes far beyond just securing doors in railway stations. ABLOY delivers solution for securing trackside barriers, buildings and equipment that needs to be protected from trespassers, vandals and thieves. We provide advanced electronic locking systems for each carriage and locomotive, it brings transparency in being able to monitor entire security system across rolling stock, infrastructure and stations. ABLOY padlocks are made to endure extreme weather conditions and force, including protection against dust and salt water. They come with electromechanical CLIQ connectivity which enables the user to have access to needed areas with just one key. ABLOY digital ecosystem adds operational efficiency by simplifying and reducing key management time, travel, logistics and wasted energy. It manages and controls the access and rights of every different group of staff or subcontractors. With less keys to manage, access rights provided and validated with digital simplicity there is more transparency from the audit trail that tracks all key activity hence optimising railway operations. ABLOY solutions keep railway operation at the forefront of security, efficiency, and safety.
Q. Are there any new innovations in security & locks from “Abloy”?
Abloy has tirelessly worked on solution innovations and upgradations, delivering what customers need for today and for future. Innovation is one of the key drivers for ABLOY brand. Our solutions are perfect blend of mechanical and electronics, offering a digital platform in security locking, ensuring well integration of current and future technology with flexibility and scalability for future needs. At Abloy, we offer the latest, future orientated solutions for critical infrastructure operations and make them more competitive without ever compromising on safety of people and property. Our digital portfolio is the bridge to the future. It delivers future proof offering of high-level security and access management solutions for even the most demanding requirements of critical infrastructure with integration capabilities to boost operational efficiency. Abloy’s portfolio comprising of new age solution proves innovation for current and future customer needs.
Q. Please summarize your company’s plans to ‘grow’ in the coming year?
Infrastructure is the key driver for quality life and economic growth of every country. In the last few decades there has been unprecedented investments in critical infrastructure of the country. This indubitably will turn the wheels of Indian economy followed by multitudes of opportunities and challenges. Security is one of the major challenges that the country needs to address in order to meet the aspirations of generations to come. As external business factors play vital role in designing the future of any business, at Abloy, we consistently anticipate such factors and plan for the best outcome. Our goals are set and have a realistic vision. Team ABLOY walks its path, building bonds with stakeholders, believing in ourselves, our innovation and solutions. We have come a long way to establish as one of the most trusted brands when it comes to security locking and access control. As we evolve, day in and out exploring and adapting plausible technologies, we ensure it meets the future trends, while we do so we are expanding and strengthening in all ways.