Prabhdeep Singh CEO & Co-Founder-StanPlus
If there is one thing that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught everyone, it is that physical and mental health is of utmost importance. With lockdowns and movement restrictions in place during the peak of the global health crisis, remote working soon became a norm for employees working in different industries and sectors.
With prolonged screen time, lack of physical movement, and increased fatigue, employees are facing physical and mental health issues. During the pandemic’s peak, one cannot ignore the crucial role of health-tech start-ups in providing medicines, masks, ventilators, and other goods directly to the consumers. Now, the fact remains that employees faced most of these challenges, especially concerning mental health, even before the pandemic began; the crisis simply brought them to the forefront, pushing corporates to make employee wellbeing their top priority.
Corporates around the country have made efforts to support employees by collaborating with health-tech start-ups that provide a complete list of services, starting from emergency assistance to the general wellness of employees. Here’s how.
Corporates need health-tech start-ups to provide onsite solutions and remote assistance
The association between corporate and health-tech companies depends on the capability of such start-ups to provide both onsite and remote assistance. Onsite assistance must include efforts to reduce the estimated arrival time to zero in case of medical emergencies in office premises.
In regards to remote assistance, corporates look for online consultations to diagnose different diseases (including COVID-19) and the treatment of mental health-related issues. Remote assistance must also include sample collection and medicine delivery services offered at the doorsteps of employees. In fact, health-tech startups have been offering a myriad of services long before the pandemic began and have further augmented their offerings amid the crisis.
Corporates look forward to having customized plans
Since the requirements of each company could be distinct based on various factors, including the geographic location, nature of work carried out, and the number of employees, there cannot be a ‘one size fits all’ approach from the part of the health-tech start-ups. It is crucial to offer customized plans to the corporates based on specific demands, and health-tech startups are doing just that.
No compromise on the quality of services within available corporate budgets
Corporates want to ensure that the quality of services offered by the health-tech company should not be compromised in any manner. This can mean that a few requirements such as restriction on outsourcing of labor as well as constant training and development of healthcare workers should be a part of the overall package offered by the health-tech companies.
Hassle-free case handling with a comprehensive protection plan
Hassle-free healthcare services are always an advantage. Corporates would not want to partner with more than one health-tech company to facilitate a different range of onsite and remote services. Hence, the chances of dealing with a start-up willing and able to prove a comprehensive bouquet of services all under a single umbrella are higher as compared to dealing with different standalone partners. For instance, health-tech startups offer a plethora of services, including online counselling, webinars, bereavement support and services, hospital bed availability, 24×7 remote medical assistance, and more, becoming a one-stop solution that corporates can turn to for ensuring employee wellbeing.
Seamless and user-friendly experience of implemented technology
Aside from those that offer multiple services under one roof, corporates often prefer those health-tech companies that can integrate the latest technologies while providing a different range of services. The inclusion of tech integration and an overall seamless experience is crucial for aligning the interest of both parties. Integration and collaboration with different hospitals and regulators (such as health insurance companies) should also be a part of the services offered and should be easily accessed through applications.
Overall transparency and CRM processes
Since the users of such technologies can include employees from different backgrounds, the health-tech organizations must be able to ensure overall transparency of operations. Customer relationship management should also be top-notch. Inclusion of CRM bots to resolve frequently asked questions is also advisable.
Bottom Line-
Pandemic or no Pandemic, to enhance the productivity and efficiency of their workforce, corporates need to adapt a comprehensive approach – one that ensures 24/7 protection and preparedness against all medical exigencies.