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Mumbai airport starts India’s first hybrid power project

The Mumbai airport recently said that it has become India’s first airport to launch a renewable hybrid power
generation project involving wind and solar energy. Called ‘Vertical Axis Wind Turbine’, the unit along with a
photovoltaic solar hybrid (solar mill) was installed under a pilot programme launched to explore wind energy.

The airport said it plans to meet its ‘Net Zero’ carbon emission target by 2029. Mumbai International Airport
Ltd (MIAL) said the 10 kilo Watts peak (kWp) hybrid solar mill consisting of 2 kWp turbo mill and 8 kWp Solar
PV modules has an estimated minimum energy generation of 36 kWh/day. “The energy generated through
this technology can be customized on a need-specific basis. Due to its modular and scalable size, it’s easy to
mount the technology on any mobile or static rooftop. This technology is a vital step in deploying a solution
at the airport that is renewable, clean, green, environment-friendly, bird-friendly, and a silent solution with a
25-year design life,” MIAL said.