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ERDA receives the “IEI Industry Excellence Award 2021″

Electrical Research and Development Association (ERDA) by virtue of demonstrating high order of business excellence, has been adjudged as a recipient of the “IEI Industry Excellence Award 2021” by The Institution of Engineers (India)

This prestigious award was presented to ERDA by Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey, Honorable Minister of Heavy Industries, Government of India on the occasion of inaugural function of Indian Engineering Congress at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi on 26th December 2021. 

ERDA was adjudged for the award in the category – “Engineering Services and Consultancy (ESC)”

The IEI Industry Excellence Award has been instituted to recognize industry leaders for their innovation, excellence in engineering operations and services and their capacity to sustain excellence in a competitive manner. The bench-marks created by the industries in India have included productivity, quality, safety and performance assurance which would give India the rightful place in the global markets. 

Electrical Research and Development Association, a not-for-profit professional organisation, established in 1974, was promoted by the Electrical industries and state Utilities with support from Govt. of India through CSIR and grant given by the Government of Gujarat. ERDA’s technical operations are conducted from head office located in Makarpura, Vadodara and Regional Laboratories at Rabale, Navi Mumbai [West], Gurugram [North] and Rajahmundry [South].