More than 225+ Gensets deployed at several hospitals in the country

Greaves Power, part of a large and diversified business conglomerate Greaves Cotton Limited, has been actively supporting the healthcare sector in these unprecedented times by setting up auxiliary power backup solutions at various Covid hospitals across Maharashtra, Gujrat, Haryana, and Madhya Pradesh etc. The company has deployed 225+ Gensets at several hospitals in the country, ranging from 10 kVA to 1250 kVA.
The company believes in enhancing productivity, improving the lives of customers, and enabling them to save more. In an initiative to utilize the solutions at their maximum capacity and support the affected communities, Greaves is deploying the gensets in multiple hospitals to provide an uninterrupted power supply for effective management of COVID patients.
Greaves has a wide range of Gensets used in different operations, supporting routine power backup at quarantine facilities to provide power backup to critical facilities. Greaves Gensets have been deployed across diverse usage from powering domestic usage to industrial applications to data centers to hotels, hospitals, airports, gas stations, and even restaurants, as a strong and reliable power backup solution.
The IoT-powered Greaves smart Genset under the Greaves Genius series commands better control in operations and delivers power output with better efficiency and saving on fuel consumption. Owing to strong performance, reliability, and higher savings, Greaves Gensets are preferred by contractors and B2B customers.
The entire range is enabled with a Remote Monitoring System (RMS) to get all critical gensets data on mobile/laptop via an app. The app prompts for upcoming maintenance and in case of faults. This enables timely service and proactive handling of complaints to reduce the genset downtime and ensure maximum possible uptime. Genius helps in predictive & preventive maintenance enabling efficient on-ground operations.